

記得上次還是婚前同事互送的2004 Christmas gift

我拿到的是Chanel – Sahara Beige. 好愛那顏色啊! 若有似無的 嘿嘿~

Anise Cosmetics是美國牌子, DSW鞋店逛到的,

Buy 1, get 2nd one ½ price. 平均一個才$4,

比起Cover Girl or Maybelin, MaxFactor…都好用, 顯色度很強~ 

她們強調No formaldehyde, No toluene, No DBP, No animal testing and No animal by-products.



Pastoral Poetry N62 (spring/summer color) 而淡色的,平時想到就可塗.

Madame X RE33 (fall/winter color) 棗紅色年底party多可以塗

7 Tips for a Perfect Manicure from Anise website

1  How to remove nail polish fast. 

Press a cosmetic cotton pad saturated with nail polish remover onto the nail, wait for 10 seconds, then draw the pad to the nail tip with a 1-way stroke.  Rubbing back and forth will leave stains on skin & cuticles. 

2  How to create nicely shaped nails.. 

After filing your nails straight with a regular file, use a 180 or 240 grit buffer to smooth nail edges and the sharpness of the corners.  Buffing the edges seals the open layers of filed nails to prevent breakage or chips.  Also, buffing smoothes out uneven nail edges.

3  How to remove ragged cuticles quickly.

Once a week, apply a cuticle remover at the cuticle line and wait for 5 minutes.  Use a cuticle wood stick and scrape back & forth at the cuticle line to remove dead cuticles- dry skin bits that cling to the base of the nail.  Rinse nails with a soap gel.   Use a nipper and nip - don’t pull – cuticle bits that stick up and hangnails.  If your live cuticles are too thick and you want to have them trimmed, have a manicurist trim them once in a while.  Frequent trimming will make them harder and thicker.  Avoid trimming your own live cuticles.  Keep a cuticle oil in your purse or at your desk to keep cuticles looking moist after washing your hands each time. 

4  How to build hard, strong nails. 

Try nail care products that don’t contain the ingredients formaldehyde, toluene, dibutyl phthalate (DBP).  They dehydrate nails and cause them to become yellow and brittle.  Even if you don’t wear nail color, wearing just a nail treatment alone will prevent your nails from breakage and protect them from the drying effects of water and harsh cleaning products.  When applying a nail treatment, cover the sides and the corners of the nail.  These areas are where the breaks start. 

5  How to have a long-lasting manicure.

Before applying a nail product, your nails should be lotion-free, washed with soap and towel dry.  Dead cuticles have to be removed first.  If a nail product is applied over dead cuticles, it’s going to lift.  Allow one coat of nail product dry to the touch before applying another coat.  Applying a base coat first helps grip nail color to the nail.  Applying a top coat every 3 days will keep your manicure looking new and fresh.  When applying a nail product - nail treatment or nail color, wipe the brush inside the bottle to remove excess.  Then, put a little stroke near the cuticle line to remove a little more product before placing the brush as close as possible to the cuticle line.  This method will give you thin coatings for long wear.

6  How to avoid bubbles. 

Don’t shake the base coat or top coat.  As for nail color, turn the bottle upside down for 1 minute to blend.   After applying a fast drying top coat, just let your manicure dry naturally.  Don’t: stick hands right in front of a fan; blow air from mouth on to freshly painted nails; wave hands back and forth; or place freshly painted nails under cold water.

7  How to keep nail products fresh. 

Store nail products in a cool dark place like in a bathroom cabinet.  Avoid putting them in a warm place or in a refrigerator.  Extreme temperatures thicken and separate product formulas.  Also, don’t mix nail polish thinner with nail products.  It will make nail color look dull and separate nail treatment formulas.  If a nail product is 6 months old after it’s opened, it’s time for a replacement.

    創作者 樂活小女人 的頭像

    樂活小女人: 矽谷˙爾灣˙台灣三地跑

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