Barefoot Coffee Roasters 赤腳咖啡烘培屋



我第一次自己去, 點了Cappuccino $3.25 (左上)

第二次帶大姨去, 她點了Latte $4.00

我點了Decaf Latte $4.00 (右上)

這個咖啡雕花 ( Latte Art) 真精緻~ 美國的cafe很難得有咖啡雕花的哦!!

Espresso is a .75-1 oz. (1.5-2oz for double shot) beverage prepared from 7 to 10 grams of coffee (14-20 grams for double) through which clean water of 198- 204F (92-95C) has been forced at 9-10 atmospheres of pressure, and where the grind of the coffee is such that the brewing flow time is approximately 20-30 seconds. While brewing, the flow of espresso will appear to have the viscosity of warm honey and the resulting beverage will exhibit a thick dark, golden tiger-flecked crema. Espresso should be prepared specifically for, and immediately served to its intended consumer.

Photo & article source:




這家 Barefoot 在Yelp 評價很高!

若要說他是灣區矽谷 No. 1 Cafe 也不為過哦

裏面的氣氛很特別, 和星巴克截然不同~

已經下午3: 35pm還這麼多人啊

喜歡coffee的人絕對會很愛赤腳咖啡  ^__^

我現在開始擔心我的Starbucks禮券,  該怎麼用完它了  ~

Barefoot Coffee Roasters

5237 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara, CA95051

(408) 248-4500



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