
Giorgio Armani 的產品琳瑯滿目:包括衣服,鞋子,包包,香水,眼鏡,珠寶 …等. 他們家的化妝品最近在Nordstrom dept.上櫃了.  我還第一次接觸他們家的化妝品哩. 因為在累積Nordstrom點數, 所以就敗一個 loose powder來試試看吧!    從來沒用過loose powder, 以前買過pressed powder, but感覺和 foundation差不多, 覺得多餘, 好不容易用完了, 可以換一種試試 yeah!

Name:  Micro-fil loose powder

Description:  Extremely light and fine, Micro-fil loose powder reduces shine and evens out your skin tone.  The complexion is left natural and luminous.  All skin types. USD$48 (after tax =NT1,700)     Extremely light and fine finishing powder     Reduces shine     Evens out skin tone     Application techniques:  Apply with the Face brush to matify bare skin or dust lightly over your makeup for longer wear.  粉質相當細緻,擦起來很自然 ^+++^

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這是他們限量的產品: 叫做 Hollywood Lights Compact , design超炫的, 罐上印有Armani大師的簽名, 內裝8個小燈, 打開補裝時,如同明星的化妝室的照明, 走的是明星名模高貴路線..... 不過太貴啦~  USD$100+tax, 況且我也不泡夜店, 還是替Honey 省省錢吧 ^__^

A shimmering, compact powder with golden flecks including a mirror encircled by diodes that light up when the palettes is opened.  As a tribute to the dressing rooms of Old Hollywood, this compact powder includes a mirror encircled by radiant diodes that light up when the palette is opened for the ultimate luxury from application to finish. Limited edition. 目前缺貨中!




    創作者 樂活小女人 的頭像

    樂活小女人: 矽谷˙爾灣˙台灣三地跑

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