慾望城市 (Sex and the City) 一剛開始是在HBO電台撥出的,
不過呢~ 珍妮特現在有的就是時間和精神... 呵呵~不僅每天看重播,
還去Costco 買到精裝DVD本來收藏^^
粉紅绒布的包裝,外面還有厚厚的玻璃框保護, 非常精緻,很有收藏價值哦.
內有18捲DVD, 30多頁的內容解釋, 也有每集人物的照片.
更重要的是有附贈Bonus features, 就是電視上看不到的部分哦^^
Carrie Bradshaw (played by Sarah Jessica Parker),
Samantha Jones (played by Kim Cattraqll),
Charlotte York (played by Kristin Davis),
Miranda Hobbes (played by Cynthia Nixon).
Mr Big (played by Chris Noth),第一男主角.
Aidan Shaw (played by John Corbett),也是Carrie的男友,
Aleksandr Petrovsky (played by Mikhail Baryshnikov), 也是Carrie的男友,
著名的蘇俄藝術家那位, 雖然很老了, 但還頗有成熟魅力的^^
Smith Jerrod (played by Jason Lewis),最帥的就這個啦~
"慾望城市"雖然以下片好幾年了, @@ 但劇中女朋友之間誠摯的友誼與fashion時尚,會永遠在影迷的心中 .
Sex and the City style is here to stay. What are your favorite moments from Sex and the City?
原文載自Janet的樂活日誌February 17, 2007