
October 29, 2007–February 11, 2008
The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA
152 North Central Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90013
General Admission: $8
Students with I.D.: $5
Free Thursdays: Admission is free for all MOCA venues every Thursday, 5–8pm
現在起到明年二月中旬, 村上隆在The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA展出
樓上 設有LV專櫃, 販售村上隆設計的LV現量版皮件
包誇正火紅的 LV Murakimi Hand NeverFull
據說此款只有在LA的MOCA才買的到 任何其他LV專賣店都沒有carry哦~
詳情請看網友 Necko及Veggie-O-Head 的blog, 謝謝~