
看到好多賢慧網友阿菲, 小珍珠…等等, 之前都介紹過蘿蔔糕
版權傳來傳去, 已不可拷啦 .

材料很簡單 在韓國超市買的蘿蔔, 又新鮮又便宜 先炒香再和白拈米攪和攪和
- 3 lb. of turnip using food processor cut into match stick shape
- 3 T oil
- Dry shrimp cut into fine pieces
- Ground pork, dry scallops or Chinese sausage cut into pieces
- ¼ c dry shallots
- 5 cups of water
- 16 oz. rice flour (elephant brand)
- 1 ½ t salt
- 1 ½ t sugar
- ¼ t white pepper
- Sauté ground pork and shrimp with 3 T oil
- Add turnip
- Add salt, sugar, shallot, and white pepper, simmer till turnip is almost cooked
- Add 2 cup of water
- Mix rice flour with 3 cup of water, add it to the mixture, and mix well
- Spray pot with oil, pour in ½ of mixture. Press down mixture with wet hand, to let out air bubbles.
- Use rice cooker, put 2 cups of water outside the pot and steam. Let it sit in rice cooker for awhile before removing the pot.
- Don’t flip out the turnip cake right away, let it cool first. Or eat it hot.
- Repeat step 6 and 7 for second batch.
- Put a plastic wrap over top of turnip cake to prevent the top harden and dry.
- Use Kimlan Soy Paste, add garlic, and little hot water.
用蒸的, 用oven烤的都可以
出爐後 加些蒜泥+醬油膏
棒! 棒! 棒!