
看到好多賢慧網友阿菲, 小珍珠等等, 之前都介紹過蘿蔔糕




版權傳來傳去, 已不可拷啦 .


韓國超市買的蘿蔔, 又新鮮又便宜



- 3 lb. of turnip using food processor cut into match stick shape

- 3 T oil

- Dry shrimp cut into fine pieces

- Ground pork, dry scallops or Chinese sausage cut into pieces

- ¼ c dry shallots

- 5 cups of water

- 16 oz. rice flour (elephant brand)

- 1 ½ t salt

- 1 ½ t sugar

- ¼ t white pepper


  1. Sauté ground pork and shrimp with 3 T oil
  2. Add turnip
  3. Add salt, sugar, shallot, and white pepper, simmer till turnip is almost cooked
  4. Add 2 cup of water
  5. Mix rice flour with 3 cup of water, add it to the mixture, and mix well
  6. Spray pot with oil, pour in ½ of mixture.  Press down mixture with wet hand, to let out air bubbles.
  7. Use rice cooker, put 2 cups of water outside the pot and steam. Let it sit in rice cooker for awhile before removing the pot.
  8. Don’t flip out the turnip cake right away, let it cool first.  Or eat it hot.
  9. Repeat step 6 and 7 for second batch.
  10. Put a plastic wrap over top of turnip cake to prevent the top harden and dry.
  11. Use Kimlan Soy Paste, add garlic, and little hot water.

用蒸的, oven都可以

出爐後 加些蒜泥+醬油膏

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    創作者 樂活小女人 的頭像

    樂活小女人: 矽谷˙爾灣˙台灣三地跑

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