
之前當Jessie伴娘時後 上網查到: 結婚當天伴娘們該準備的東西.
PO出來, 給有需要的準伴娘們參考囉~
Wedding Day Checklist for bridesmaid:
- Dress
- Bobby Pins
- Make Up
- Clear Nail Polish
- Nail glue
- Hairspray
- Tissue
- Wet Wipes
- Perfume
- Deodorant
- Jewelry
- Wedding dress shoes and casual shoes
- Undergarments for wedding dress
- Needle, thread, scissors
- Contact solution
- Breath mints
- Pantyhose
- Change of clothing
- Phone numbers of all vendors
- Prescription medication (if needed), Tylenol, and Tums
- Extra Money
- Your speech card
- Toothbrush
- 2 Garters
- Grooms Ring
- Camera
- Bottle water