用手邊NORDSTROM gift certificates購入的M.A.C.刷子
這個組合是現量的哦~ \\0//
五隻刷子分別是129 SE, 190 SE, 224 SE, 242 SE and 266 SE
M•A•C Colour Forms: 5 Basic Brushes (Nordstrom Exclusive) A zip-up makeup bag that comes with its own matching hard-sided wallet-style brush holder. Contains the 129 SE, 190 SE, 224 SE, 242 SE and 266 SE brushes. Design highlights include the bag's trendy red nylon fabric detailed with a metal M•A•C nameplate and 'tag' on zip. All brushes feature glossy black handles with the M•A•C logo. $49.50
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女人嘛~ 把自己弄的美美的~
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