帶樂活媽以及大姨去 Campbell downtown逛逛,
一個禮拜之內連續來了兩次, 就知道有多愛它啦~ ㄏㄏㄏ
午餐後我們在 Campbell 市區隨意逛逛,由於不是週末,遊客很少:

By the way, 這裡也有日本 Satura 蛋糕店哦。
不過今天重點不是他 ...
Veggie Omelets (素食)
Fresh diced vegetables, cheddar-jack cheese, sour cream & chives
Served with potatoes & bagel. Substitute egg whites or Egg Beaters.

Italian Fritatta (類似 pizza)
Three whipped eggs cooked open face, topped with cheddar-jack cheese.
Spicy Italian sausage, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, black olives, topped with marinara sauce & mozzarella cheese

每道餐都附有 potatoes & bagel.
這裡的 bagel 超好吃啦~ 很有嚼勁又不會太硬
比Noah’s的還好吃哦, 樂活大推 ^/////^

Stacks Homemade Pancakes
Short stack (2) 他們的越蔓梅果醬是自製的 讚!!

Melting Crabs Sandwiches (當季的蟹肉三明治+水果酪梨沙拉)
這道是seasonal 的, 菜單上沒有

回家後估狗才發現, 她們的早餐還挺有名的哩:
(Stacks其實只賣早餐~ ~ 下午營業到2:30 pm)
Stacks Restaurant被北加州 10大報章雜誌分別票選為”北加州最棒ㄟ早餐”
Best Breakfast BayAreaBest.com
Best Breakfast San Francisco Chronicle
Best Breakfast San Jose Mercury
Best Breakfast San Mateo Times
Best Breakfast Silicon Valley Community Newspapers
Best Breakfast The Almanac Readers Choice
Best Breakfast The Wave
Best Brunch San Jose Mercury
Best Sunday Brunch The Almanac Readers Choice
Best All-American Restaurant Silicon Valley Community Newspapers
他們在bay area有5個地點;
住在北加州的捧油們 …
趕快來Stacks享受一下 comfortable food 吧~
臺灣的格友們~ 也歡迎你們飛過來吃哦~ ^^
Stacks Restaurant
139 E Campbell Ave
Campbell CA 95008
PS. 聽說 Sonoma Chicken 這裡有好吃的 “巧克力鍋”